You are confused before your interview. Please do not skip this article. It will help you in interviews.

  • How to Answer: How Did You Find This Job?

    This question is often asked early in an interview. Often this question is asked so that the employer can understand which recruiting method or platform being used is the most effective. They also ask this question to gauge how interested you are in the job and in working for them.
  • How to Answer: Why Do You Want to Work Here?

    This may sound like an invitation to describe how landing the job will benefit you. Again, it's not! The want to understand how much you know about them -- how interested you really are in the organization and the job.
  • How to Answer: What Do You Know About Us?

    Lack of knowledge about the employer equals lack of interest in the interviewer's mind, which is deadly. Demonstrate that you are actually interested enough in the opportunity to have research the employer and even the interviewers. Too many candidates just hit the apply button for no reason (apparent to the employer). Show that you are not that uninterested candidate. This is how.
  • How to Answer: Why Do You Want to Leave Your Current Job?

    Careful! No ranting and no trashing of your current employer. Many good reasons exist to decide to leave, and they can have nothing to do with how horrible your manager might be.
  • How to Answer: Why Did You Leave Your Last Job -- After Being Fired?

    Being fired happens to many of us, and it's not necessarily because you were a bad employee. But, regardless of the reason, you can frame the situation so that you don't come across as someone an employer would avoid hiring.
  • How to Answer: Why Did You Leave Your Last Job -- After You Quit?

    People quit their jobs for many good solid reasons, but you need to be able to explain why clearly and without seeming angry or saying nasty things about that previous boss or organization.
  • How to Answer: Why Did You Leave Your Last Job -- After a Layoff?

    Layoffs happen to many people and are not your fault. So, be prepared to explain about the layoff without trashing anyone or anything at your former employer.
  • How to Answer: Explain Your Gap in Employment

    Finding a job when you are unemployed is challenging, but you need to be prepared with an explanations for the gap. This is how to explain that gap.
  • How to Answer: Why Should We Hire You?

    Frame your answer to this question in a way that highlights your qualifications for the job. Do NOT explain how having the job will benefit you. Use this strategy to answer.
  • How to Answer: Why Do You Want THIS Job?

    This may sound like an invitation to describe how landing the job will benefit you. But, it's not!Describe why this job interests you, sharing both your personal goals and your understanding of the job. Here's how to do that effectively.
  • How to Answer: Do You Have Any Questions?

    Don't make the mistake of under-estimating the importance of this question! Having good questions (not about the vacation time!) is a sign to employers of your interest in the opportunity. This article provides more than 50 questions you could ask.

"About you" is the question almost appear in most of the interviews. The introduction of yourself is relatively easy, but it has led many candidates having confused when selective interview information.

To compose yourself before 1 standard answer of parem employers, applicants do not need to understand the capabilities of themselves but also need to capture the taste of the person interviewed.

So how to marketing yourself 1 industry with interview questions "about you"?

"About you"-the purpose of the employer?
When interviewing candidates to job interview always try to pose these questions is likely high information extraction, while also creating the space for the candidate himself expresses the capacity as well as his personality. If the question "You know to this vacancy via where?" is how employers collect many useful information, then the question "about you" was her time of each candidate.

So employers really want through the question "about you"?

# Review summing and selectively correct information. 

So many candidates questions that all details have been recorded clearly in the CV, so why interviewers ask questions that seem so redundant? In fact, with this question the interviewer does not intentionally want you reread your personal information they want to know you "chat filter information" like. They want to see in a few minutes for a job interview, your candidate will select what information to talk about their selves. The information that the most expensive or not, taking into account related to vacancies not, that's the main purpose of this question.

# see how to perform the first of all the candidates in their marketing job interview answer.

In addition to a more comprehensive ability evaluation mechanism and selection of candidate information, also hope to see how to recruit candidates "own" the problem.
The interviewer has had enough of the answer, the interview didn't focus, not according to it, there is no end. Sometimes they don't need good employees, but hidden in the sealed box, they want employees to show their work, first in the interview touched, let them see the development of each person's potential.

So we need to introduce ourselves for how good when going to the interview. Jobsinterview will offer a few comments for your reference!

To become especially more candidates than par even level, candidates should take advantage of the opportunity to "express themselves" as soon as possible. Try the following tips apply to professional right from the easiest question. 

# Score for candidates who answered correctly and hit 

Your precise selective information when answering the question "Please introduce you?" Will get you a high score for this question. In addition to the basic information about names, you should add information relating to the position at present. Instead of talking too much about your interests, intended, personality, ... You can tell through the work experience, career orientation and your ability to contribute to the development of the company.

Time for answers will not be too long and you should not say too rambling. Therefore, candidates should be prepared in advance what will be said at home to be more proactive in the interview. 

# Pluses for candidates who have shown outstanding way 

to make answers your job interview does not go into the boring path, the candidates can make their mark in the way of marketing themselves. Instead of listing a number of skills, experience he has, you should choose the first few typical experiences, and share more about them. Let employers find that you not only like what in CV writing, that you are the most prominent, most suitable for the company.

Finally, I wish you enough confidence, don't worry a lot about the job interview. We wish you success! 

Question 13: Let's talk a little bit about your management skills?

How to handle: this question is targeted at people management capability (high level) or management jobs (low level). So please explain how your management and a particular way, especially the emphasis on the ability to manage, organise and coordinate effectively with colleagues.
Question 16: are you a good team work?
Responding to employers: expectations and answers THERE, so be prepared for this answer by the illustrations about how you have succeeded when working in groups, for example solve A project success for the company, helping to increase the efficiency for project B. ..

Question 15: the philosophy of your work?

How to answer: but the question may seem "super high", but please answer the most simple level. Please speak to the value of the work that you towards, and associated it with the collective, with the company.

Question 16: do you like the position in the group if the project X?

How to handle: Let's say a skillful way and implying that you are flexible and responsible, whether as employees or team leader position, the final effect is important.

Question 17: what things from the colleagues made you uncomfortable?

How to answer: can you upset with some certain personality or even region, however when you do not know the person who is interviewing you have elements that do not. Instead please answer that annoying or not because his way of recognizing and solving problems, and despite the discomfort, you still have to work and work well.

Question 15: why do you think that you fit that position?

Replying to: Let's emphasize your skills match the job and the ability and experience to solve some of the same problems you've ever spent.

Question 19: what's more important to you: the money or the work?
How to answer: both are important and you need to balance between two factors. Let them know out there you also desire to get good results for the company.

20 questions: your old Boss reviews what is your greatest strength?

How to handle: select a strong point that the old boss had praise you through how you handle work to tell them. If you have a letter of recommendation of the former boss, let employers view to increase reliability.

Question 21: the ability to withstand the pressure in your work?

How to respond: to avoid nuts if you answer no good answer towards: "pressure at the appropriate level to bring maximum effectiveness", let them know that you are able to work have the pressure, but the more important thing is efficiency and will be more awesome if you have examples of previous work.

Question 22: How do I recruit you if you have not experienced in doing this?

How to handle: Please describe the skills you have matching jobs with high confidence. Let them know in a couple of positions you have ever do have help for current work, including those positions when you are still in school (if necessary).

Question 23: what is the motivation why you want this position?

Replying to: Avoid these answers as "high wage", "prestige" companies ... instead we talk about good working environment, encourage creativity and learning opportunities.

Question 24: how are you considered to be successful with this work?

Answer: a way of saying smarts will help you score, for example: "When I finish work is required both in terms of substance as well as the amount, at the same time was the affirmation of the upper level is completed on a good level."

Question 1: Please talk about yourself?

Handling: keep in mind that employers are asked to evaluate the suitability of you with job placement, so please prepare the answers on you but is tied to the job instead of personal problems. You should only answer related to personal life issues when a recruit really go deep and want to learn.

Question 2: Please tell me what you dream?

How to answer: If you answered sincerely about your dream job, then of course the employer will listen and there are reviews about the feelings well. However in terms of physical properties, they will compare your dream job with the work they really need in you and if there is too little in common, the risk of your kind will increase. So if the position you are applying for a job does not suit the dream then please give the answers the template, for example: dream of a dynamic work environment, communication, learning to grow etc.

Question 3: why did you leave in place of old?

This is one of the most common job interview.

How to handle: Please give the positive answers, for example: I want to pursue new or a new opportunity ... and especially stressed by the nice words about that opportunity. Don't ever say bad old company, old boss or disparagement of policies ... Whether you holiday with any reason, please describe it in the most positive way possible.

Question 4: what are your weaknesses?

How to answer: When having this question, don't immediately listed a series of weaknesses, also could not confirm that you have no weaknesses. The best treatment is to get a few weaknesses, but hidden strengths in it. For example, I should much or forget to arrange a detailed work schedule and paste it in front of the table. Or I am not good at eating said, so honest sometimes too easily lost. The tactful answer will help you turn weaknesses into strengths.

Question 5: what are your strengths?

How to handle: for this question, you have to prepare the best and remember to add to the job you are applying. Raise the points you really strong and effective you will bring to the job on, and don't forget the examples that you have done in previous jobs.

Question 6: do you know anything about our work?

How to answer this question: will meet very often, so please take the time to research the information about your company, website, friends or if someone know are doing in the company, the more amazing. Remember to answer questions but tied to "fit" with the company.

Question 7: why we should recruit you?

How to handle: If encounter an interviewer have personality, they will ask questions challenging you as above. Please reply on the aspects that you need the right job and company also need people fit. But the note don't compare you to anyone else.

Question 8: do you think you are successful?

How to answer: of course. Success does not mean must get on everyone, so you let them know that you've had the success and what if need to be ready to explain to them why you used it as a success.

Question 9: why you don't have work to do in the past?

How to handle: can you not lucky in the times before or sick, busy working individuals ... but please choose for yourself the answer wise and relatively realistic. For example, the time that I am taking the course to raise finance have prepared better or I join English program at the International Center to match the upcoming work. You'll score in the eyes of employers.

Question 10: former colleagues often say about you?

Replying to: let them know a few sentences about your colleague's review positive or have hidden the positive. But also don't be exaggerated saying which.

Question 11: do you plan to do for us in how long?

How to deal: If you say a specific time then though short or long also are susceptible to the employer refutes. The best way is the ingenious answers like: "I will make the company forever as if both are happy" or "I will do my best as if seen well for both" ...

Question 12: do you think your ability beyond comparison to our requirements?

Replying to: Please convince them that you are applying for a job and are in need of a suitable job. Don't manifest these emotions hesitant or not clear about your capacity compared to the job. Let them see you are suitable.

"With the common problems in the era of economy is becoming more and more difficult, there is now a suitable job desire is not a GI n. successfully ask you a lot of elements".

The following is a common question in the interview how to answer a hint from the recruitment of experienced experts, to help you score in the interview.

Question 1: let's talk about our friends?

Treatment methods: remember to ask your job position for evaluation of recruitment, so be prepared to answer questions about your work, but with all the personal problems. You should when you really want to know the depth of recruitment and answer questions about personal problem.

Question 2: why do you always do the work?

This is a common problem in the interview in NH T.C, ch: put these answers bring enthusiasm, for example: I want to pursue a new passion and new opportunities, with special emphasis on writing good opportunity. Never say a former company or boss, criticize the old system of treatment... Whatever your reasons for quitting, we describe the most positive way possible.

Question 3: what is your weakness?

Methods: in answer to this question, do not immediately set a series of weaknesses, but also can not determine that you do not have a weakness. How to deal with the best preparation of some weaknesses, but the hidden strength. For example: I forgot, so a lot of time to arrange a work details and schedules posted in front of him on the table... Or... I'm not good at talking, so sometimes honest so easily offended...... these answers will help you clever the weakness into strength.
Question 4: what are your strengths?

Methods: for this problem, you must be ready to work and you are applying for. To the point you really powerful and effective for friends will bring the work at the same time, don't forget your example, realized in the previous work.

Question 5: do you know what we are working for?

Answer: this problem is very common, so take the time to study the information website, if you have a friend or acquaintance at work better. Remember to answer the question, but with the "right" friend.

Question 6: why should we be admitted to you?

Processing method: if you encounter a person interview, they will ask you to challenge. You said you need in these aspects of the work, the company needs the right people right. But don't compare anybody's friend.

Question 7: do you think you are successful?

How to answer: of course there is. Success does not mean that all people are high, so you tell them is your success, if there is anything you need to be prepared to explain to them why you think it is successful.

Question 8: why do you have no time to work?

Treatment: May you not fortunately, in the past or sick, staff, but you choose my answer is relatively sensible and realistic. For example: this time I take part in the course to improve financial preparation, or I go to the International English Center of the program to adapt to the coming work.

Question 9: how long do you plan to work for us?

Treatment methods: if you say that, regardless of the specific time or long or short houses are very likely to be recruited to break. The best way is a clever answer is this: "I will let the company if you are satisfied forever" or "if I do well, you......"

Question 10: do you think you are far more capable than we are?

answer: how do you convince them that you are in a job that requires a proper job performance. Do not hesitate or less obvious ability to work with friends. Let them know that you are the right person.

Question 11: tell me a little about your management skills?

How to deal with this problem: management goal management ability to (Senior) or (low level) work friends. So you have to explain the management methods and specific methods, with particular emphasis on management, organization and coordination work with colleagues.

Question 12: you are a very good team work?

Answer: a way of home recruitment and a promising answer, so a good example is a good example of how you can work with a successful team, such as a successful company, to help improve the efficiency of the project B...

Question 13: what position do you like, if in the recruitment of X, our project?

Processing: let's say subtle and show that you are a flexible and responsible position, whether it is the leadership of the staff or the team, the most important is the final effect.

Question 14: why do you think you are suitable for this position?

How to answer: to emphasize your skills in a suitable work experience and ability, as well as to solve some difficult problems, the same, all you have to experience.

Question 15: what is more important: do you work or money?

How to answer: two are very important, you need a balance between the two elements. Let them know that the friends outside also want to work well for the company.

Question 16: what is your greatest advantage to your former boss?

Approach: choose an old friend of a boss to tell them how to deal with work by praising you. If your former boss's letter of recommendation, to look at the home to increase the reliability.

Question 17: the ability to stress, what is your job?

In order to avoid this answer: if you answered no good direction, answered: "in the proper pressure level, bring the biggest effect, let them know that you can do the work pressure, but it is more important to work effectively, will be better if you have a examples of your work.

Question 18: how do I recruit you, if you have no experience in this area?

Treatment: please describe your skills to work with a high degree of confidence. Let them know that some of you have done the job of helping the job, at present, including the location, when you are still in school (if necessary)

Question 19: what is the motive that makes you want this position?

Answer: how to avoid these questions the answer is "high income", "corporate reputation". On the contrary, let us talk about a good working environment, to encourage innovation and learning opportunities.

Question 20: Yes, do you think the job is successful?

How to answer: a sentence of skill will help you score, for example: "when I complete the work of the requirements of the material and energy definition, while the completion of the superior level is good".

Question 21: are you willing to put the interests of the company in the interests of the individual?

Treatment: of course there is. It's a question to see if you really want to work hard for the company or not. If you can, please explain why the company's interests are important and long term career.

Question 22: anything you want in your boss? How to answer: you don't need to know the detailed answer, because after the interview, the boss's friends. The answers to these questions are usually the boss, such as riding, delicate, fair, encourage employees to work......

Question 23: what do you think of your changes in X?

How to deal with the answer: Please in line with your resume, show you how to go. Don't forget to let them know that you are a motivated.

Question 24: what do you expect from your company / job?

Treatment: let them know that you are in the first step of the work habits, so these expectations are good working conditions and encourage the development of contributions to the company. I hope you can also let you get excited about things, in order to convince the family to recruit.

Question 25: what do you want to ask me?

Q: how do you prepare for your home, relative problems, directly asked friends around in a job application. Please listen and understand show a clear answer, don't hurry, if you feel a little taste of the friend answer.

Question 26: do you think you can finish the job?

Answer: how to explain is certain to be successful, based on the work of the technology and the requirements of the appropriate elements to let them know that you are the right person.

Question 27: what are you working on?

How to answer: confidence answered, main work of these troubles is the foundation, let the human progress is to solve the lessons of success will become good friends home to see your recruitment approach does not understand, these individuals and processing. The machine is not good. You let them know you is how to solve the problem and experience lessons learned, this is the best persuasive.

Question 28: what do you like to do, in addition to working hours?

Answer: you can answer a question about the nature of the time, in addition to work, will be better, if this is the social work to help you pay attention to the people.

I hope these suggestions are often met with the interview and answer questions on your question, you will need to go to the interview for their accumulated experience.

Wish you success!
"Interview, how do you answer these questions is very important. So you need a clear head, sensitive and recruitment problems. Here's the "tough question" of the 10 recruiters often ask some advice to help you "score"":

Can you tell me something about yourself? What kind of person do you think you are, and why do you choose this job?

This is your chance to prove their ability, communication, reasonable way to talk about life, work, chat.

For example: if you graduated from the art work, but I am in a bookstore, you can say: "I am a love of literature, although I graduated from the school of art, but I have my own knowledge and modern classical writers although is not me. I often read books, but there is an amiable and easy of approach. Margin, newpeople."

Why do you want to leave your present job?

You should not say any bad boss, colleague or any natural way of working, old company. This is the dark knight. You should answer: you want to see your work or approach all these new challenges.

Why should the company choose you rather than anyone else. Or: you can contribute to the development of the company?

This is your chance to show them the benefits you can make to your company in the recruitment. Let us talk about the impact of your interests, rather than the characteristics of the company's ability.

For example: "I have this idea, a new look, to improve the impressive customer by increasing the effectiveness of the corporate sector's front desk, using their skills and confidence".

Do you think your biggest weakness is?

If you lack the choice of technical conditions, it is time to give you self-confidence to say. You can say: "I have no work experience, but through direct sales and marketing, I believe I can quickly learn".

How do you respond to these criticisms?

The answer to the favorite house is an example of a recruitment and other issues to provide any additional examples. Talk about your situation is the boss accused and old friends that learned the experience and the end of a sentence: "I want to learn the criticism is necessary, need to work in the process of improving a better day".

If you think you have to work overtime?

So when you ask, "how many hours do I have to work?" If I work overtime pay by the hour? ". Or, you can say: "I don't care about working overtime, but I'm afraid it will affect an important factor in our daily life and keep the quality of our work".

Do you feel yourself in ten years time?

This is you should not be here to answer too smart, too humble, than my real ability. You should say, "I hope this job will give me a place where I can play my own abilities".

Are you married or are you going to get married?

You don't have to answer the question directly, because it can sometimes decide whether or not to accept or not. You have to drive to another topic: "I think he / she is thinking, if I am a reliable or not? I would like to introduce my article to demonstrate my ability to work if he / she calls back to my old office and they will give you / you know I am dedicated to the old company."

What is your expected salary?

You should find high paying peers and friends to go for an interview before you can give a reasonable salary. If there is a gap between the two sides, you can not decide, just at this time, you give them to give you the idea of 1, 2 days, and then I will answer.

Do you have any questions for us?

Now you can ask a question: "can you tell me about the goals of the company? "You will have a chance to get promoted after three years of work, isn't it?" "If I keep my job.

Many people are very scared when I go into the round of interviews, this is the secret of their home being recruited from the continuous problem is frequent.

Let me introduce you to a basic question almost in an interview directly recruited to a friend who also knows how to put the "soldiers" and the father".

1. Please introduce yourself.

The problem is classic and very familiar. This problem usually begins with my interview. To seize this opportunity to introduce these capabilities, good career habits in your...... Let's say your direction is focused on work and career relationships. Don't waste time hiring through long "I'm X years old, born in the province of college and graduated from Z......". This information can be friends in V C.

2. Why did you quit your job? Why do you want to leave your present job?

Be careful, don't look at this as an opportunity to talk about the sins of a former boss. Also do not answer is "I need to work, more money". The ideal answer is: "in this case, I would like to find more opportunities to develop their own business".

3. What are your strengths?

Please point out that your positive work has a relationship, please think it may be a good part of your professional or personal.

4. What are your weaknesses?

Everyone has weaknesses. So don't spend too much time talking about their own weaknesses, these weaknesses, especially the relevant work is the best of friends, so that one or two weakness is harmless. Such as, "I have to be careful what should belong to completely". Every weakness, your story, and what you see is always a force to make up for this weakness. For example: "my character is too careful. So, my work is a bit slow, but as compensation, my enthusiasm and efforts to work overtime,".

5. How do you know our company?

In order to answer this question, there is no other way is that you must find out before carefully back to the company to go to the interview.

6. Why do you want to work here?

It's like saying that you have to understand the technology companies, to provide specific reasons, to convince the way to provide answers to these questions in general type, because I know your company is a big company,". Explain why you want to work for a big company: because you need to work in an environment of career, because you want to improve your professional, because I want to try big projects in a big company.

7. Why should we accept your position?

Speak out your positive characteristics, suitable for this position (professional, personality, attitude), these valuable experience, you have been through previous work. Don't forget to bring more compliments to your former boss for you (if any).

8. In the previous work, what did you do?

Let's talk about the 2 - 3 project success, but you can say. You are through specific project success, or you get a raise. Note: you should select the success of the project quality than that. Criminal friends made a considerable gold award.

9. What motivates you to work?

Normally, you will want to raise wages, bonuses, benefits, and other companies to give you...... It will inspire you to work hard. However, let's talk about the joy of success in your work when you get through a new challenge. In the morning to help you generate the impression of recruiting.

10. What do you like to do in the environment?

You want to ask the answer to the working conditions of On your marks, the relevant position. For example: if the job stress study and work alone, said, you can work in a team, but you love to work independently. If you want to enter is often bear and complete these items, please confirm your generous love Kang team, and you have a strong spirit of cooperation is very high the.

11. Why do you want this job?

The answer is to give the answer to the specific recruitment work according to the standard. To avoid danger, I need a job ". Let the family see you see the advantages of recruitment and difficult work, like and friends to find themselves through these tests.

12. How can you overcome these stresses while working?

Training, sports, reading, watching jokes, having fun with friends, when the car is back to work...... Be regarded as the answer to wisdom. However, you need to know, in fact, the recruitment will know how you will handle the pressure, because a lot of the interview, you are nervous of the recruitment of the problem. So, the best way is to keep calm when interviewed, a complete answer, be careful not to let people recruited to the "Hansa flow" of the house, because of their difficult problem.

13. Imagine, 5 (10) years, where are you?

Explain the future of your career as a part of your recruitment to your location in the pre qualifying program. In the recruitment will feel more interested, if they know the process of efforts to achieve the goal, you are also contributing to the interests of the company. A higher position can be your goal in the future.

Here are 9 common interview questions, and we will reveal to you the answer to your reference. Job interview is not a task too stressful and impossible. If you can overcome the basic interview questions, a chance for you to go to the next round and get a good job is very high. Here are 9 common interview questions, and we will reveal to you the answer to your reference.

1. Why should we hire you 
if you can say a long list of good reason to hire your boss, you're more likely to convince more employers. When at home, write down the reasons and start really fluent presentation.

2. What do you have these qualities to make this work 
List the titles, certificates and experience related to the job is enough to answer this question. Future employers will be very impressed with the way you talk and guide them about what you have.

3. Are you willing to work all holidays not? 
If you can answer "yes" to this question, most employers are very happy. Although they often have to pay more money for you than if you work in the holidays, but in general they are glad to meet a potential employees willing to work while all of them want to rest.

4. Why did you leave the old job 
common answer to this question usually include; 'to get more experience,' 'to have better opportunities for themselves', or 'to find a job with good income'. Employers also want to find out right away if you get fired or if you chose to leave your last job. If you get fired, be honest to explain to them why.

5. What are your strengths? 
Maybe you do not like this question. Maybe you'll feel like you're bragging. But to be honest about their strengths so that they do not think you're a man bragging. Write out a list before the strengths that you are related to the job you are applying for.

6. What are your weaknesses? 

Do not answer to this question is ambiguous. No one wants to admit their weaknesses, but employers really admire those employees can admit their errors and trying to improve them. If you know your specific weaknesses, you will know how to turn weaknesses into strength.

7. You want to get paid How 
appropriate answer to this question is usually, 'depending on the position. " Most employers often poses a specific salary associated with a job title, so they always feel the need to ask this question.

8. You can group work well? 
Employers often want to know whether their employees have a good relationship with others or not? Appropriate answer to this question is usually "yes". Few people admit that they feel lonely or have bad relationships with colleagues. Let's say that you are friendly, open and sociable with people.

9. Do you have any questions for me not 
Not all employers ask this question, but it's best to prepare for this question. Most people write down some questions before they head to their interviews in case they are asked this question. You do not need to ask questions that are too broad or macro but ask intelligent questions. Ask basic questions: "every employee of the company will start by what", "Your main job in the company is nothing" or any other general questions you can think of.

Here are 13 tips to help you stand out from the crowd who were interviewed:

1. Admit your own weakness 

Employers often ask candidates: "What are the weaknesses of him / her?" However, only very few people answer this question honestly. They often try to evade or take advantage of opportunities to give a positive view of themselves, but that "come with" disadvantages. However, the fact that the way employers are not appreciated.

There is a more effective way to solve the questions that employers make is that you acknowledge your own weaknesses, but it must weaknesses are unrelated to the job you are interviewing for.

for example, what if you will not say you are not good at arithmetic, while the position you are applying for graphic designers. Also talk to your employer that you are trying to overcome these weaknesses.

2. Smiling 

Smiling is a job is not difficult, but few people do it because they feel nervous during the interview, or try to be professional. Not many people know that, a smile can break the tense atmosphere in the room and help differentiate you from the crowd sternly. Smile shows you are a friendly and fun, it is true that everyone wants to work with.

3. Prepared for the questions that others are not prepared 

Sometimes employers will be asked tough questions. This can happen when you apply for a job in a company senior adults. The reason that employers give to this question is to test the ability to react flexibly and your intelligence. So be ready for questions like: "How do I know how many Australian golf ball?" Or "Did you ever have a horrible boss yet?"

4. Stay calm when the situation deteriorated 

in many cases, whether you are prepared to where you can still be tripped in an interview. Some employers have deliberately interrupt candidates to see how they react. So, keep calm attitude when falling into such situations. Remember, just a minute embarrassment can also cause you to lose that dream job you should be.

5. Learn about your interviewer before the interview 

Knowing some basic information about who will put questions to you in the interview can help you a lot. Things may be going well if you and the person who share a hobby or former university educated.

6. Emphasize that you fit the company culture 

is an important degree, but employers only need to moderate enough. Super high qualifications is not necessarily your advantage. The more important thing is, once they meet the job requirements, you need to assert itself in line with the company's culture. That you have the belief and values consistent with the company. In particular, the ability to work in a team is very important nowadays.

7. Use the enthusiastic language 

vocabulary you use say a lot about your personality that people like. For example, saying "it's my job" will not be impressed by "this is my career," or "That is my mission." All these statements mean the same, but have different energy level.

When the interview came to an end, you still need to continue to make the following efforts:

8. Ending a powerful way

you can tell that the interview came to an end when the interviewer asks if you have any questions to ask not. This is the time for you to impress the interviewers. Ideally, you tell a certain story. But you need to prepare in advance a question to lead you into the story to tell.

For example, if you know this company very flexible in terms of employees working remotely, you might ask: "Mr. / what do you think about the people working at home? ", and then tell a story that you linked to this issue.

9. Thank the interviewer and show the enthusiasm 

you think of thanking the interviewer and expressed desire to work for the company that you've interviewed just a normal job. But not really.

When you say thank you interview, do not just say "Thank you, Mr. / Ms." Instead, say "Thank him / her for taking precious time to talk with me. I know that grandparents are very busy, "or" Thank him / her for not laughing the career goals of my sad "or" Thank you, Mr. / Ms. His / her right is the best interview I've ever met. "

10. Thank you letter after the interview 

after leaving the interview 1 hour, do not forget to send email thank you interviewed. Continuing to send email thank you for 3 days, followed by 1 week ... until you get the answer surely is that you have received or not.

The principle here is that you must not quit. There are many reasons for the interviewer not recall right for you, not because you have failed in the interview. Chances are it's a test of your patience, or simply because the interviewer too

Want to ace your next interview and land that job you’ve been seeking? Here are 20 tips to help you prepare.
1. Research the industry and company.
An interviewer may ask how you perceive his company's position in its industry, who the firm's competitors are, what its competitive advantages are, and how it should best go forward. For this reason, avoid trying to thoroughly research a dozen different industries. Focus your job search on just a few industries instead.
2. Clarify your "selling points" and the reasons you want the job.
Prepare to go into every interview with three to five key selling points in mind, such as what makes you the best candidate for the position. Have an example of each selling point prepared ("I have good communication skills. For example, I persuaded an entire group to ..."). And be prepared to tell the interviewer why you want that job – including what interests you about it, what rewards it offers that you find valuable, and what abilities it requires that you possess. If an interviewer doesn't think you're really, really interested in the job, he or she won't give you an offer – no matter how good you are!
3. Anticipate the interviewer's concerns and reservations.
There are always more candidates for positions than there are openings. So interviewers look for ways to screen people out. Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself why they might not want to hire you (“I don't have this,” “I'm not that,” etc.). Then prepare your defense: “I know you may be thinking that I might not be the best fit for this position because [their reservation]. But you should know that [reason the interviewer shouldn't be overly concerned]."
4. Prepare for common interview questions.
Every "how to interview" book has a list of a hundred or more "common interview questions." (You might wonder just how long those interviews are if there are that many common questions!) So how do you prepare? Pick any list and think about which questions you're most likely to encounter, given your age and status (about to graduate, looking for a summer internship). Then prepare your answers so you won't have to fumble for them during the actual interview.
5. Line up your questions for the interviewer.
Come to the interview with some intelligent questions for the interviewer that demonstrate your knowledge of the company as well as your serious intent. Interviewers always ask if you have any questions, and no matter what, you should have one or two ready. If you say, "No, not really," he or she may conclude that you're not all that interested in the job or the company. A good all-purpose question is, "If you could design the ideal candidate for this position from the ground up, what would he or she be like?"
If you're having a series of interviews with the same company, you can use some of your prepared questions with each person you meet (for example, "What do you think is the best thing about working here?" and "What kind of person would you most like to see fill this position?") Then, try to think of one or two others during each interview itself.
6. Practice, practice, practice.
It's one thing to come prepared with a mental answer to a question like, "Why should we hire you?" It's another challenge entirely to say it out loud in a confident and convincing way. The first time you try it, you'll sound garbled and confused, no matter how clear your thoughts are in your own mind! Do it another 10 times, and you'll sound a lot smoother and more articulate.
But you shouldn't do your practicing when you're "on stage" with a recruiter; rehearse before you go to the interview. The best way to rehearse? Get two friends and practice interviewing each other in a "round robin": one person acts as the observer and the "interviewee" gets feedback from both the observer and the "interviewer." Go for four or five rounds, switching roles as you go. Another idea (but definitely second-best) is to tape record your answer and then play it back to see where you need to improve. Whatever you do, make sure your practice consists of speaking aloud. Rehearsing your answer in your mind won't cut it.
7. Score a success in the first five minutes.
Some studies indicate that interviewers make up their minds about candidates in the first five minutes of the interview – and then spend the rest of the interview looking for things to confirm that decision! So what can you do in those five minutes to get through the gate? Come in with energy and enthusiasm, and express your appreciation for the interviewer's time. (Remember: She may be seeing a lot of other candidates that day and may be tired from the flight in. So bring in that energy!)
Also, start off with a positive comment about the company – something like, "I've really been looking forward to this meeting [not "interview"]. I think [the company] is doing great work in [a particular field or project], and I'm really excited by the prospect of being able to contribute."
8. Get on the same side as the interviewer.
Many interviewers view job interviews as adversarial: Candidates are going to try to pry an offer out of the interviewer, and the interviewer's job is to hold onto it. Your job is to transform this "tug of war" into a relationship in which you're both on the same side. You could say something as simple as, "I'm happy to have the chance to learn more about your company and to let you learn more about me, so we can see if this is going to be a good match or not. I always think that the worst thing that can happen is to be hired into a job that's wrong for you – then nobody's happy!"
9. Be assertive and take responsibility for the interview.
Perhaps out of the effort to be polite, some usually assertive candidates become overly passive during job interviews. But politeness doesn't equal passivity. An interview is like any other conversation – it’s a dance in which you and a partner move together, both responding to the other. Don't make the mistake of just sitting there waiting for the interviewer to ask you about that Nobel Prize you won. It's your responsibility to make sure he walks away knowing your key selling points.
10. Be ready to handle illegal and inappropriate questions.
Interview questions about your race, age, gender, religion, marital status, and sexual orientation are inappropriate and in many areas illegal. Nevertheless, you may get one or more of them. If you do, you have a couple of options. You can simply answer with a question ("I'm not sure how that's relevant to my application"), or you can try to answer "the question behind the question": "I don't know whether I'll decide to have children in the near future, but if you're wondering if I'll be leaving my job for an extended period of time, I can say that I'm very committed to my career and frankly can't imagine giving it up."
11. Make your selling points clear.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, did it make a sound? More important, if you communicate your selling points during a job interview and the interviewer doesn't get it, did you score? On this question, the answer is clear: No! So don't bury your selling points in long-winded stories. Instead, tell the interviewer what your selling point is first, then give the example.
12. Think positive.
No one likes a complainer, so don't dwell on negative experiences during an interview. Even if the interviewer asks you point blank, "What courses have you liked least?" or "What did you like least about that previous job?" don't answer the question. Or more specifically, don't answer it as it's been asked. Instead, say something like, "Well, actually I've found something about all of my classes that I've liked. For example, although I found [class] to be very tough, I liked the fact that [positive point about the class]" or "I liked [a previous job] quite a bit, although now I know that I really want to [new job]."
13. Close on a positive note.
If a salesman came to you and demonstrated his product, then thanked you for your time and walked out the door, what did he do wrong? He didn't ask you to buy it! If you get to the end of an interview and think you'd really like that job, ask for it! Tell the interviewer that you'd really, really like the job – that you were excited about it before the interview and are even more excited now, and that you're convinced you'd like to work there. If there are two equally good candidates at the end of the search – you and someone else – the interviewer will think you're more likely to accept the offer, and thus may be more inclined to make an offer to you.
Even better, take what you've learned about yourself from your MyPath career assessment and use it to explain why you think this is the job for you: "I've done some careful career self-assessment, and I know that I'm most interested in [one or two of your most important career interest themes], and – correct me if I'm wrong – it seems that this position would allow me to express those interests. I also know that I'm most motivated by [two or three of your most important motivators from your MyPath assessment], and I have the sense that if I do well, I could get those rewards in this position.
Finally, I know that my strongest abilities are [two or three of your strongest abilities from your MyPath assessment], and I see those as being the abilities you most need for this position." If you follow this tip, you'll be (a) asking for the job, (b) explaining why you think it's a good match, (c) displaying your thoughtfulness and maturity, and (d) further disarming the tug-of-war dynamic that interviewers anticipate. You'll be making the strongest possible "close" – and that's worth a lot!
14. Bring a copy of your resume to every interview.
Have a copy of your resume with you when you go to every interview. If the interviewer has misplaced his or her copy, you'll save a lot of time (and embarrassment on the interviewer's part) if you can just pull your extra copy out and hand it over.
15. Don't worry about sounding "canned".
Some people are concerned that if they rehearse their answers, they'll sound "canned" (or overly polished or glib) during the interview. Don't worry. If you're well prepared, you'll sound smooth and articulate, not canned. And if you're not so well prepared, the anxiety of the situation will eliminate any "canned" quality.
16. Make the most of the "Tell me about yourself" question.
Many interviewers begin interviews with this question. So how should you respond? You can go into a story about where you were born, what your parents do, how many brothers and sisters and dogs and cats you have, and that's okay. But would you rather have the interviewer writing down what kind of dog you have – or why the company should hire you?
Consider responding to this question with something like: "Well, obviously I could tell you about lots of things, and if I'm missing what you want, please let me know. But the three things I think are most important for you to know about me are [your selling points]. I can expand on those a little if you'd like." Interviewers will always say, "Sure, go ahead." Then you say, "Well, regarding the first point, [give your example]. And when I was working for [company], I [example of another selling point]." Etc. This strategy enables you to focus the first 10-15 minutes of the interview on all of your key selling points. The "Tell me about yourself" question is a golden opportunity. Don't miss it!
17. Speak the right body language.
Dress appropriately, make eye contact, give a firm handshake, have good posture, speak clearly, and don't wear perfume or cologne! Sometimes interview locations are small rooms that may lack good air circulation. You want the interviewer paying attention to your job qualifications -- not passing out because you've come in wearing Chanel No. 5 and the candidate before you was doused with Brut, and the two have mixed to form a poisonous gas that results in you not getting an offer!
18. Be ready for "behavior-based" interviews".
One of the most common interview styles today is to ask people to describe experiences they have had that demonstrate behaviors that the company thinks are important for a particular position. You might be asked to talk about a time when you made an unpopular decision, displayed a high level of persistence, or made a decision under time pressure and with limited information, for example.
Step 1 is to anticipate the behaviors this hiring manager is likely to be looking for. Step 2 is to identify at least one example of when you demonstrated each behavior. Step 3 is to prepare a story for each example. Many people recommend using SAR (Situation-Action-Result) as a model for the story. Step 4 is to practice telling the story. Also, make sure to review your resume before the interview with this kind of format in mind; this can help you to remember examples of behaviors you may not have anticipated in advance.
19. Send thank-you notes.
Write a thank-you note after every interview. Type each note on paper or send them by email, depending on the interviewers' preferences. Customize your notes by referring specifically to what you and the interviewer discussed; for example, "I was particularly excited about [or interested by, or glad to hear] what you said about ..." Handwritten notesmight be better if you're thanking a personal contact for helping you in your job search, or if the company you're interviewing with is based in Europe. Whatever method you choose, notes should be sent within 48 hours of the interview.
To write a good thank-you note, you'll need to take time after each interview to jot down a few things about what the interviewer said. Also, write down what you could have done better in the interview, and make adjustments before you head off for your next interview.
20. Don't give up!
If you've had a bad interview for a job that you truly think would be a great fit for you (not just something you want badly), don't give up! Write a note, send an email, or call the interviewer to let him or her know that you think you did a poor job of communicating why you think this job would be a good match. Reiterate what you have to offer the company, and say that you'd like an opportunity to contribute. Whether this strategy will get you a job offer depends on the company and on you. But one thing's for sure: If you don't try, your chances are exactly zero. We've seen this approach work on numerous occasions, and we encourage you to give it that last shot.
If you follow the above 20 strategies, you'll be as prepared as any candidate an interviewer has ever seen. Good hunting, and good luck!